Baggage Storage service

Тээш хадгалах үйлчилгээ нь нэг давхарт Олсон ба гээсэн үйлчилгээтэй хамт 1 давхарт байрлаж байна. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай утсан лавлах: 1900-1980 дугаарын утаснаас эсвэл терминалын Мэдээллийн цэгээс лавлана уу.

The Baggage Storage service is located on the 1st floor with Lost & Found Service in one office. For more information, please contact our Call center 1900-1980 or go to Information counters of the terminal.


  • We can store your baggage securely for a long term of up to 30 days
  • Payment calculates per day
  • The cost per day is MNT of 10,000


  • One piece of baggage is defined as one unit, and each storage unit is stored at the same tariff.
  • The size of the baggage/unit to be stored shall not exceed 158 x 65 x 60 cm, and in the case of exceeding the size, it shall be considered and calculated as to the next piece of baggage.
  • The "Baggage Storage Receipt" will be issued only after the amount of payment is calculated based on the amount of baggage storage period and presented to the customer.

Privacy Policy

When you use our storage service, we require certain information to process our service. You may voluntarily provide us personal information such as your first name, last name, and home address, city, state, postal code, country, phone number, and email address. We use this information to make record of your baggage and to identify you and return back your baggage to you. We shall not sell/share customer’s personal information to third party in accordance with the Mongolian law on Privacy Policy and on the Organizational confidential internal regulation. Failures to comply with the law will result in liability.
