Baby Room & Kids Play area

Нисэх буудлаар үйлчлүүлж буй 0-3 настай хүүхэдтэй эхчүүдэд зориулж олон улс, орон нутгийн нислэгийн хүлээх танхимуудад хүүхдээ хөхүүлэх, асрах, живх солих зориулалт бүхий өрөөгөөр үйлчилж байна.


For passengers with children aged 0-3 who are using the airport, there are rooms for breastfeeding, nursing and changing diapers in the

International and Domestic flights check-in halls and departure halls as well as in the greeting hall.

Children aged 0-3 can use the baby rooms with their guardians for up to 2 hours. 







Passenger-children using the airport can use the play area equipped with healthy and safe toys.

The toys in this area are intended for children aged 2-6 years old, and parents, please do not leave your children unattended while they are playing.

Please pay attention to the departure time of your flight to avoid missing your flight.







