Guidance & Assistance

Зорчигч терминалаар үйлчлүүлж байгаа бүхий л зорчигч үйлчлүүлэгчдийг хэрэгцээт мэдээллээр хангаж, чиглүүлэх үйлчилгээг үйлчилгээний ажилтнууд үзүүлнэ.

Service staff will provide guidance service and necessary information to all passengers and customers of the Passenger Terminal.

We provide the following assistance services for following passengers who need special care:

  • Passengers with children aged 0-2
  • Pregnant passengers
  • Elderly passengers
  • Passengers with disabilities (or passengers who lost their motilities temporarily)

If you would like to receive this service, please read the “Booking Rules of Assistance Service” and click on “Registering for Assistance Service” to place your order.

Information Center, Public Area, Floor 1



One. General

1.1. Purpose and Definitions 
1.1.1 The purpose of this assistance service booking rule (here in after referred to as “Rule”) is to provide assistance service of Passenger Service Division of the  Passenger Terminal Department of “Chingis Khaan” International Airport for customer in need of special care (here in after referred to as “Customer”).
1.1.2. “Assistance service” is care service for the disabled passenger who needs special care, elderly passenger, passenger with infants and pregnant passenger at Passenger Terminal Building (here in after referred to as “Terminal”) and curbside temporary parking of “Chingis Khaan” International Airport.  
1.1.3. “Assistance service booking” means online pre-booking for assistance service by Passenger Service Division of the Passenger Terminal Department of airport.  

1.2. Familiarization and Acceptance of rules
1.2.1. A customer should read and agree to this rule before booking assistance service.

1.3. Additional changes
1.3.1. Passenger service division shall make an amendment to this rule for improving assistance service to customer. Amendments to this rule will take effect upon posting in the “Assistance Service” section of the Chinggis Khaan International Airport`s website.

1.4. Things to consider
1.4.1. The assistance service will be provided jointly by the Air carriers and Passenger service division and these organizations have defined the boundaries of services within scope of their activities. See 3.1.2 for service boundaries from organizations.
1.4.2. If you wish to receive services in Section “B” of 3.1.2. You must notify the airline.


2.1. Booking
2.1.1 The Booking has been placed when the customers specified in 1.1.2 who wants to receive assistance service fills out booking form completely and once confirmation is done.
2.1.2. Assistance service booking can be placed 1-30 days in advance.
2.1.3. Assistance service booking shall be made at least 24 hours before the service due date.
2.1.4. A member shall cancel the booking and make change at least 24 hours before service due date. If the booking needs to be cancelled or changed after 24 hours period, a member must notify to Passenger Service Division by phone immediately.   
2.1.5. Upon completion of customer`s booking, Passenger Service Division will notify the member by email.

Three. Detailed information of assistance service

3.1. Detailed information of assistance service
3.1.1. Passenger Service Division shall provide assistance and guidance service to visually or hearing impaired passenger and wheelchair bound passenger to receive services within terminal as well as other passengers in accordance with chapter 3 of this manual.
3.1.2. Boundaries of services provided by the Passenger Service Division within the terminal.

Assistance service

A. Airport /Guidance & assistance service staff of PSD/

International departure:
From the picking up(welcoming) point to the check-in counter point,

International arrival:
From the luggage claim hall to the receptor,

Domestic departure:
to the check-in counter point,

Domestic arrival:
From the luggage claim hall to the receptor   

B. Ground handling organizations/Passenger check-in service staff

International departure:
From the check-in counter point to the aircraft,

International arrival:
From the aircraft to the luggage claim hall after through the border checkpoint,

Domestic departure:
From the check-in counter point to the aircraft:

Domestic arrival:
From the aircraft to the luggage claim hall

3.1.3. Following services are not included in assistance service

  •  Assist to seat on the toilet from wheelchair seat.
  •  Assist inside of the restroom  
  •  Assist to change clothes
  •  Assist with feeding
  •  Provide long term care without any good reason

3.2. Payment
3.2.1. Passenger Service Division of “Chingis Khaan” International Airport will provide assistance service as specified in the Section “A”  of  3.1.2. free of charge.

3.3. Refuse to provide assistance service
3.3.1. Bookings for the assistance service will be suspended in the following cases and customers will be notified.

  • In the event of emergency, earthquake, fire, power outage, flood, public riot, other emergency situations at airport and when it is not possible to accept booking for assistance service;
  • In the event of damage to airport system and equipment;

3.3.2. Passenger Service Division may suspend all or the part of assistance service booking, because of certain reasons that occurred during the operation.

3.4. Responsibility
3.4.1. Due to the circumstances specified in 3.3.1, Passenger Service Division will not be responsible for any damages and losses occurred in case of inability of a customer to place an assistance service booking and Passenger Service Division accepts booking request. 
3.4.2. Passenger Service Division shall not be responsible for any damage caused by the organization participating in the provision of assistance services (air carrier, ground handling operators) or due to the client's inability to receive the service in full or in part.

3.5. Privacy Policy
3.5.1. Passenger Service Division is obliged not to disclose personal information provided by any member receiving assistance service to others in accordance with article 5.4 of the Personal Confidential Law of Mongolia.
3.5.2. It is prohibited for a member to disclose own personal information to others in accordance with article 5.1 of the Personal Confidential Law of Mongolia.

3.6. Resolve complaints, suggestions
3.6.1. Any employee who receives a complaint and feedback (directly communicating) shall follow Article 5.2 of the “Chinggis Khaan International Organization Service Manual” when communicating with the customer.
3.6.2. Complaints, suggestions, request and compliments for assistance service can be received through following sources.

  • Customer feedback form
  • Website of the Chingis Khaan International Airport – Feedback option
  • Telephone line: 7128-7467 for Passenger Service Division of the Passenger Terminal Department.
  • Chat service

3.6.3. Suggestions, complaints and requests about assistance service will be resolved in accordance with Customer Satisfaction Improvement Manual of the Chingis Khaan International Airport.  

3.7. Other
3.7.1. This rule will be effective on july 04, 2021.


(+976) 1900-1980