Lost and Found Service

Нисэх буудлын нийтийн эзэмшлийн болон хилийн хяналтын бүс мөн гадна талын машин зам, явган хүний ​​зам, зогсоолын талбайгаас олсон, гээсэн эд зүйлсийг хадгалах, эзэнд нь буцаан олгохтой холбоотой үйлчилгээг 24/7 цагаар үзүүлж байна.

All lost & found items will be kept in our storage for up to two weeks for free of charge and transferred to the Airport Police after up to two weeks of being kept. All perishable items will be stored for only 24 hours and then discarded.

If you report your lost/found item, please click on Claim your lost/found item button or contact our Call center 1900-1980 or go to Lost & Found service point or Information counters of the terminal.


  • Public area, Floor 1

Privacy Policy
When you submit a lost item report, we require certain information to process your request. You may voluntarily provide personal information such as your first name, last name, and home address, city, state, postal code, country, phone number, email address and an additional information (last known lost item locations, departure and arrival date, and item details relating to your lost item. We use this information to help us in cross checking found items with your lost item report, for purposes of verifying rightful owner, locating your lost item and maintaining a lost item search status during the search and recovery process,  and communicating with you and verifing your identity. 

We shall not sell/share customer’s personal information to a third party in accordance with the Mongolian law on Privacy Policy and on the Organizational confidential internal regulation. Failures to comply with the law will result in liability.

Claim your lost and found item
